PTSA Mini-grants
PTSA is proud to support Highland with annual mini-grants. The purpose of the mini-grants is to support curriculum enhancements through the purchase of materials or provide resources neither covered by Bellevue School District or the school budget nor by a PTSA budgeted program.
Who Can Apply?
Grant applications are available to all Highland teachers and staff, individually or collaboratively. Initiatives impacting classroom time and school resources require the support of the classroom teacher and Principal. Carers/Parents with a grant idea may team with a teacher or staff member to apply.
Grant Types
Grants may be used to purchase equipment, supplies or other tangible goods, bringing guest speakers and specialists to share their expertise in a variety of fields. We cannot fund stipends or hourly pay for staff.
Individual Classroom/teacher grant project
Entire grade grant project
Department Project (Language Arts, Math, Science, Art, Music, PE, AVID, CTE, etc.)
When to Apply?
There is no specific deadline for the grant application. Grant applications will be considered throughout the year provided funds remain in the grant budget.
Funding Availability
The funding allocated to Mini-grants is decided based on the PTSA's annual budget, as approved by the PTSA Membership every spring. Funds may be impacted by our fundraising capacity or/and PTSA goals and programs. If funds are unavailable,, PTSA may reach out to the community, seeking additional support in the form of monetary contributions or in-kind donations (wishlist).
How to Apply?
Download and complete this form and leave it in the PTSA mail cubby.
You can also submit it by emailing
Evaluation Criteria
Does the request have a lasting impact on teaching and learning?
Does the request benefit the greatest number of Highland students?
Does the request directly relate and enhances curriculum.
Is this solving a problem or meeting a need not currently met, and which receive little or no funding from Bellevue School District or other sources?
Are PTSA funds available?
Is the request in compliance with the Highland PTSA Standing Rules and PTSA vision and mission?
Decision Process
Applications less than $250 will be determined within 2 weeks of submission and applications greater than $250 will be presented at next PTSA Board meeting for discussion and determination.
We strongly encourage staff to submit applications early in the school year.
Applicants will be contacted and advised of the outcome.
Note: Funds granted must be spent within 60 days of receipt unless the PTSA has provided approval of the delay. Funds not spent will be returned to the PTSA budget and reallocated.
If you have questions about the process or have issues downloading/viewing the application, please email