Highland PTSA made an important commitment to provide tobacco prevention education and advocacy to your school community. As the only recipient of the National PTA Healthy Bodies Tobacco Free Kids grant in Washington State we will:
Lead anti-tobacco education and advocacy efforts in your community and educate families about the risks of tobacco use, including e-cigarettes and flavored tobacco use among youth.
Host Take Down Tobacco National Day of Action (April 1, 2024) anti-tobacco activities.
Host any additional education and advocacy school or community-wide campaign programs and activities for families.
Take Down Tobacco National Day of Action
On April 1, 2024 youth advocates from across the country will come together to stand up and speak out against the tobacco industry that continues to lie, cheat, and fool people into a lifetime of addiction, disease, and death.
The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids encourages PTAs/PTSAs to expose the tobacco industry, document tobacco's impact on lives, advocate for tobacco prevention policies, and pledge to take down tobacco.
Eliminate Menthol Flavored Tobacco Products
For decades, Big Tobacco has targeted Latino and Black Americans with menthol cigarettes, a more addictive product that's easier for youth to start and harder to quit. This deliberate strategy has resulted in a staggering increase in menthol use among Black smokers – from 10% in the 1950s to a shocking 85% today.
The FDA proposed a ban on menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars in 2022. However, the final rule is delayed, raising concerns about industry influence. Take action and ask the White House to ban menthol cigarettes!
Flavors Hook Kids WASHINGTON
E-cigarette use among Washington youth is at an alarming high, fueled by flavored products that mask the harsh reality of nicotine addiction. Big Tobacco is playing a dirty game. They use candy-like flavors in e-cigarettes, cigars, and even menthol cigarettes to lure kids in and get them hooked for life. We can't stand by and watch this happen.
Take action! Tell WA State legislators to prioritize the health of our youth. We need a ban on ALL flavored tobacco products to end this predatory practice by Big Tobacco.
Tell us why you #TakeDownTobacco
We won't stop until they do!
Did tobacco use affect you or someone you love? Maybe you witnessed the health struggles of a smoker or overcame nicotine addiction yourself. Did you lose someone to a tobacco-related illness? Share your experiences on our Padlet! Inspire others to join the fight. Together, we can create a tobacco-free generation!
Tobacco Free Pledge
Help us take down the biggest joker of all: Big Tobacco.
Get campaign updates and action alerts. Together, we'll create the first tobacco and nicotine free generation!